News from other countries; translations and selections from homofile magazines abroad.

Moral Re-Armament in Germany

When the Moral Re-Armament program was touring Germany, Jack Argo, who is familiar to most of our readers for his earlier articles, bought one of the books they were offering entitled Remaking Men by Dr. Paul Campbell and Peter Howard, Arrowhead Press.

Says Mr. Argo: 'I bought this book and was quite struck by the enormous misunderstanding and misconception expressed in it. In general the authors talk about methods of identifying and recognizing homosexuals in public. In America and Europe, these men,point out, the majority of homosexuals wear buckskin shoes. They prefer green in their dress. They also use their handkerchiefs more frequently than is necessary. '. . . administration officials, school directors and army officers should learn how to change these people,' the authors add."

In protest to this kind of drivel Mr. Argo wrote the following letter to the director in charge of Moral KeArmament because, as he says, 'I feel it is necessary to discuss all problems in connection with homosexuality, since the Re-Armament movement is more and more spread all over the 'free world' and since millions will be influenced by the ideas proclaimed through MRA officials in their publications'.




Moral Re-Armament

Director in Charge

Remaking Men The book, the idea.

I have just seen your excellent play The Vanishing Island here in Hannover and I was anxious to buy my self one of the books you offer to tell me more about your movement. So I went and bought Die Kunst Menschen zu andern by Dr. Paul Campbell and Peter Howard, who may not be
